Shielding Family-Owned Businesses from Cyber Threats, Privacy Attacks, and Destabilisation Attempts
Over the past two decades, we have developed a profound understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by family-controlled companies. While each family business is unique, they all share the heightened risk of online attacks. Regardless of the company’s size, industry, or visibility, every aspect of the broader family business ecosystem, from the CEO down to the youngest, non-working family member, serves as an attractive target for cybercriminals.
As the realms of business and private life intersect, reputation and privacy issues affecting the business can have a profound impact on all family members, and vice versa.
We acknowledge that family-controlled companies are more vulnerable, given the potential targeting of family members. Cyber threats, phishing attacks, compromised social media accounts, and a lack of security and communication protocols present significant security risks. Families should recognize that all aspects of their lives, from privacy to asset details and non-business activities, are sensitive information that demands proactive protection against cyber threats.
Our customized approach discreetly shields family-controlled businesses from cyber threats and privacy attacks. From countering discrediting attempts to mitigating social media attacks, we ensure the family’s reputation and privacy, including those of children, are safeguarded. Trust us as your ally in preserving the legacy and integrity of your business and family’s good name.