
Malicious smear campaign targets Luxembourg investment fund and executive managers

Whats we’ve done

  • Conducting aggressive and thorough online and on-ground investigations to unmask the true identity and whereabouts of the principal author behind the malicious smear campaign.
  • Dissecting the primary blog, which serves as a conduit for disseminating all deceptive and weaponized content, with meticulous identification of any content that blatantly infringes upon local privacy and intellectual property laws.
  • Analysing and scrutinizing every photograph published by the main author, ensuring the removal of any materials published without the explicit consent of the rightful owners.
  • Profiling the author and employing cutting-edge cyber techniques to gather irrefutable evidence in preparation for forceful negotiation strategies and potential legal actions.
  • Initiating discreet yet forceful negotiations with the author, aimed at halting the harm and unequivocally terminating their illicit activities and attempts at destabilization.
  • Implementing an uncompromising 360-degree negotiation strategy involving all parties within the publication network, including hosting platforms.
  • Our determined actions resulted in the complete eradication of the implicated blog, the prompt deactivation of the associated domain name, and the resolute termination of the primary author’s menacing activities.